Today, even as I am writing
this, people are gathered on the Mall in Washington,
DC, to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the
march on Washington
at which Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., gave his most famous speech. It’s useful
to remember that the actual name of that event was the March on Washington for Jobs and
Freedom. I thought this would be a good occasion to take a look at the
employment situation of African American workers.
Figures on unemployment are
relatively easy to obtain. For example, you can quickly find that 13.8 percent
of the African American population in the labor force is unemployed, compared
to 7.2 percent in the White population. (These are actually 2012 figures.)
What I thought would be more
interesting would be to look at the
racial mix of various occupations and see the impact on earnings. Recently,
I have been doing a lot of analysis using correlations, so I decided to see how
racial presence in occupations is correlated with median earnings in those
occupations. Understand that correlation is not the same as causation, but it
indicates that two things are happening together, for whatever reason. In this
case, I was trying to determine whether concentration of any race tends to happen together with the level of
median earnings.
What I found was not surprising
but also not pleasant to contemplate. The correlation between percentage of
African American workers in occupations and median income in those same
occupations was –0.37. If you’re not familiar with correlation, let me explain
what this negative correlation means: To some extent (specifically, 37 on a scale
of 0 to 100), the greater the percentage of African Americans working in an
occupation, the lower the median
income of that occupation is likely to be. For Hispanic/Latino workers, the
negative correlation is actually even greater: –0.48.
For Whites and Asians, however,
the correlations are positive: 0.24 for Asians and 0.43 for Whites.
Note that this simple analysis
masks a lot of information. It does not tell us what positions the workers of
each races are holding within the
occupations. It also does not tell us the full-time or part-time status of the
workers. (Actually, a slightly higher percentage of White workers are
part-timers.) It does not include earnings of self-employed workers. It does
not account for loss of earnings among those who are counted in an occupation
but who currently are unemployed. For actual earnings comparisons, a better
indicator might be that full-time African American male workers are
currently earning 75.3 percent of the earnings of White male workers. For
women, the figure is 85.0 percent. These actual earnings comparisons are
consistent with what I found about tendencies in occupations.
These statistics are one more
indication that we do not yet live in a postracial society. Understand that the
solution to this situation is not simply a matter of achieving colorblindness
in hiring, although that certainly would help and is something we have not yet
achieved. In an experiment described in a paper (PDF) called “Are
Emily and Greg More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal?,” resumes were
randomly assigned African American– or White-sounding names and sent to
employers in the Chicago and Boston areas. The resumes with White-sounding
names resulted in 50 percent more callbacks for interviews.
Even if hiring were not biased,
the career prospects of African Americans are damaged by a justice system that stops,
arrests, and imprisons African Americans at a much higher rate than Whites,
even for offenses that are known to be committed at equal rates. Imprisoning
people not only puts a stain on the convict’s record that reduces employability
but, especially for young people, breaks up families and thus damages the
prospects of the next generation.
I am not blind to the advances
in racial justice that have been made over the past 50 years. But our nation
has a lot further to go to realize Dr. King’s dream, and doing so will take
positive action, not passive waiting around for change to occur.